
The World Around You Is Changing!

Nobody Wants To Be Left in a Daze

Are you changing with the times?

The world is getting more chaotic.

I’m not trying to trigger a state of fear. It’s actually just the natural order of things.

As the universe expands, the state of disorder increases. It’s one of the laws of nature.

OK. Let me zoom back into earth.

We are in a state of persistent technological advancements.

Our access to information is on the rise.

We are more connected than ever.

Although access is increasing, noise is also at an all time high.

Does it seem like the world is becoming too much?

Finding it hard to focus?

Distractions? You can’t put them at bay.

The Clarity Challenge

It’s hard to achieve your goals without clarity of purpose.

AND what most of us lack in this era is clarity.

Writing is a tried-and-tested tool to help you create clear thoughts.

Here’s the challenge with writing - it’s easy and hard at the same time.

Easy because everyone can do it.

Hard because it requires discipline and accountability.

The 30-day writing challenge is here to make good writing and clear thinking easy to get to.

Writing Is Thinking!

Let me get straight into it.

Who is this for?

  • Aspiring writers that want to build consistency in their writing ability and discover unique writing styles
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners looking to use writing to bring order to their mind and improve their communication skills
  • Multifaceted people looking to gain clarity and add a wellness practice through thoughtful reflection and journaling
  • Aspiring coaches, consultants, and thought leaders that want to level up their voice to find and share their message
  • Investors looking to clear and sharpen their informed-decision-making mind
  • Artists that want to add writing to their expressive toolbox
  • Busy professionals and modern go-getters seeking accountability and structure to fit in a creative practice and outlet with limited time

Next cohort begins 1 April 2024!

Tap Into Community-powered Writing!

Why Would I Want Clarity & Crystal-sharp Thinking?

Because it needs you...let me explain

Writing is the foundation of all intellectual tasks!

The challenges we face in today's world requires not only individual creativity but transformational creativity.

Creativity from a collective group of people directing their efforts towards human-centered problems.

But this all starts with individual creative empowerment.

I started my career as an engineer.

I did everything I was supposed to do.

I went to school.
I got good grades.

Yeah, I liked music, sports, and culture but that was not laid out as a feasible path for me. My curiosities were limited to things that would pay the bills.

I went to grad school to increase my chances of securing a good job.

I got that good job and I found myself asking:

"So what's next?"

This question lingered in my young 21-year old mind for days, then months, then years.

Rolling in and out of work like a machine on autopilot.

I’d travel for work and come back to my furnished apartment, empty.

My mind wanted to do more than "just be happy you have a job" (this was 2008, the beginning of the recession).

I was stuck between "being grateful for my job" and "wanting to do more."

On my trips to client's sites I picked up a reading habit and devoured everything from psychology to social science to books on how to escape cubicle nation.

I searched for answers. I ended up with more questions.

Shortly after, I picked up a journaling practice and that changed my life.

Not too long afterwards, I got some clarity and started making beats.

This was the genesis of my creative habit.

One that I would nurture over 10 years.

You can nurture your creative habits too through writing.

Writing gives you an easy way to spark your creative confidence, sharpen critical thoughts, and boost communication skills to collaborate with others and solve individual and collective problems.

Writing will change your life.


About the Author

Why should I trust a guy with a three-syllable name that starts with N?

Hey, I'm Nifemi.

I help multifaceted people gain clarity, build accountability, and develop creative confidence to get to their goals through writing.

I help them bring structure and consistency to their mind by giving them systems, tools, and community so that they can confidently fit in a creative practice to their busy lives.

My creative practice over the years has helped create a successful advisory business and publish 3 books.

  • The first book was the best new release in Creativity & Ethnomusicology. 
  • The second won the 2022 Indie Next Generation Award for best book in science fiction.
  • The third book: Well I just published that - all one my own.

Over 10 years, I have created a system that helps bring clarity and boost my creative productivity and I want to share it with you.

So you can “skip the line” of figuring it out all on your own.

I have learned how to tinker with ideas and consistently bring them to reality.

Because of this, I have grown my own personal brand with 14,000+ followers across different platforms while keeping my business running and staying true to myself.

I know the power and importance of taking perpetual action and building community to support accountability and growth.

The one thing that undercuts this intellect-stimulating and creativity-boosting mission is: the unhindered power of writing.


"Soo...What's In It For Me"?

With the 30-Day Writing Challenge, You'll Get:

  • Writing confidence with structure and accountability to help clarify and facilitate your growth goals
  • Focused space and time to yourself with thought-provoking reflection that help you live a more well-balanced life (sort of a short sprints of writing meditations)
  • Consistent and purposeful writing that helps you prioritize the important from the urgent
  • An active community of ~50 like-minded people swapping writing, business, and storytelling journeys & secrets to grow together
  • A writer’s mindset with organization tools to help your radically level up your communication skills and unleash your creativity

All with only 15 minutes a day!

Next cohort begins 1 April 2024!



Everything Inside The 30-Day
Writing Challenge

Ready for your next challenge?

  • Daily Prompts and Reminders

Unleash the flow of writing without even thinking about it with thought-provoking starting points to get your writing juices flowing (sent directly to your inbox).

  • Community and Shared Experiences

A live and active group of ~50 people who cheer one another on while swapping writing, business, and storytelling secrets to grow together.

  • Writing Coach & Accountability

4 dedicated weekly sessions and motivational videos from Nifemi "The Writing Sensai" Aluko to keep you accountable and motivated.

  • Interactive Sessions

Dedicated weekly group "zoom" rooms for focused sessions to write with others and group chats to share breakthroughs and victories.

  • The Smart Writer's Hub

Get organized with writing modules, storytelling frameworks, and note-taking templates that will bring structure and supercharge your idea-generating mind.

  • Dedicated Group Chat

A feedback community channel to share and improve your work, share findings, and schedule 1-on-1s with fellow members with mutual interests

  • Bonus: My Writing Workflow

My "smart-writing" method to build a "2nd brain", generate new insights, and publish newsletters and books with just a few minutes of writing each day.

  • Bonus: Exclusive Digital Collectible

Each member of the writing challenge gets to claim one digital collectible to mark participation in this cultural revolution (you can hold it forever).


Check Out The Results

People Are Getting

Next cohort begins 1 April 2023!

Registration closes soon. Join Now!



Give Yourself Freedom, Get Clarity

& Live a Life Filled With Meaning

Enroll Today To Write Your Own Path of Purpose

30-Day Writing Challenge


Zone in on what's important and build a system to get there with consistent writing!

Next cohort begins 20 Nov 2023!

Registration closes soon. Join Now!

  • Clarify and supercharge your growth with clear goals that you choose

  • Get focused time to spend with yourself to prioritize what's important and reconnect with your vaues

  • Find your message, level up your communication skills, and generate genius-level insights that only you can create

  • Get support from a judgement-free community of multifaceted people growing together

  • Develop healthy habits that help you live a more creative and productive life

  • Get organization tools that simplify your digital life and boost your critical thinking skills

  • Bonus: Get my workflow that helps build a content-creation machine to continue writing after 30 days

Next cohort begins 1 April 2023!

Registration closes soon. Join Now!


Here Are Some Answers

Make sure this is right for you

Do I have to be a writer?

No. All you have to do is be open to the benefits of writing.

How do I stay accountable?

We have prompts, reminders, and an active group chat of members motivating one another. No one is left behind.

I don't have time. What should I do?

I can understand that. Here’s the tough love. You have to create the time. I'll be real with you, there is only so much hand-holding that can be done. You'll have to show up for yourself. I believe in you.

Is this a course or ebook?

Once you sign up, you'll get access to a membership dashboard, where you will have access to community live events, modules, group chats, and your email will be signed up to receive the daily prompts. So sign up and let's get started.

How do I join the weekly session?

You will be sent a private link for each of the sessions once you get access to your member dashboard.

What day will the weekly live sessions take place?

All 4 live session will take place on Wednesdays at 8 AM PST/ 11 AM ET US time.

Have any more questions?

Feel free to DM on Linkedin or Twitter. Reference the 30-day writing challenge and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

What do I do if I've made it this far on his page?

If you've made it this far, you know you want to write with us. So what are you waiting for, click on the Join button below and let's go.